This is a website for people who learn English as a second language or foreign language. There are  grammar, vocabulary, tests, and exams sections on the website for FL learners. Students can download worksheets (selected in levels) for themselves.

There are also some teaching ideas for teachers of English as a second language. There are related links for English learning on the website and there is a part for parents. This site is a big source for many teaching and learning activities, by providing crossword, fill in the blanks exercises and games, preparations for teachers, dictionaries and multiple choice exercises.

The intended audiences of this website are highschool students and adult learners but exercises may be used for secondary school students by teacher.

The founder or creator of this website is a teacher (English as a foreign language) not a team. His name is Joerg Poehland, he lives in Germany. On the one hand, it is stated that all the users of the site pick out mistakes and help him to add phrases, opposites, proverbs etc. The owner of the site set up it in 1999 for english learners, teachers. Many people from all over the world use the website.

This is the home page of the site. It offers a lot of information about the English language on the site. People can learn English words, practise grammar, look at some basic rules, prepare for exams, do tests or just have fun playing games. It offers more than 800 exercises online.

In grammar and vocabulary sections, there are grammatical explanations(basic grammar rules). The site provide vocabulary lists, useful phrases and sentences, idioms, sample letters and information about English speaking countries. As I showed the sample examples above there are extended explanations and games,exercises for the topics.

As I showed the examples above, there  are complex tests, tests and exams for foreign language learners in the test & exams section. Students can prepare for exams with exercises for exams or their English levels can be evauluated with these tests.
The site also provides some teaching ideas which are for fun.

There are exercises related to the phonetic descriptions of the words of topics

There are also cultural exercises for language learning. This also offer students information about the culture of the language.

There is a dictionary which foreign language learners use while studying English on the site.

Students and teachers can easily download the files for learning and teaching activities.

There are various exercises like crossword, hangman through which learners can enjoy while learning English.


Firstly, I have liked the site because there are a lot exercises and explanations about topics. Exercises are various. There are also explanation and help parts for learners` using easily the site. There are another links for language learning. The site is clear (who created the site, when it was  set up). The site is open to new ideas. One of disadvantages of the site is it is not easy for the education of young learners. It is also mostly based on grammar and vocabulary explanations and exercises. It is almost none based on two skills (listening, speking). There aren't so many reading parts and some exercises need to be developed.

There is a part  about news in English being different from most of learning english sites 

There is a part for parents. They can have information about what to do in some learning situations by this way.


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