Story Maker is a tool for creating your own stories. Its templates, overlays provide you guidance through the process. You can edit your story as you want. When you finish your story the app lets you share your story on the platforms such as your blog and other sites(facebook). The app has been created by a group of trainers with years of experience working in the field. It is safe and secure for users. It relies on Orbot, for depending against network surveillance and enabling circumvention on hostile networks. The app is multilingual, it supports few languages such as English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Korean.
Story Maker is more than a tool for creating stories. It has access to a 55 lesson course in Journalism, Security, Photo, Audio, Video and Story production. If you want to have a deep education and learn as much as you can, the tool provides you what you need to know in order to be successful.
The app provides a comrehensive glossary for effective using of the app.
According to the style you choose you can create your story. You can choose simple story or scene template. The app provides different choices for mediums such as video taking, audio recording, images, and a medium including all these.
The number of scenes is not limited to 5. You can add more scenes if you want.
The process of creating story consists of 5 main parts; overview, activity, impact, background, results.
The tool provides you opportunities for rearranging and trimming your clips to tweak them to perfection. You can also record your own narration to go with your story.
An example story process:
Mobile learning has been an important part of learning process with the last improvements in technology recently. Story Maker app can also be used by teachers and students for mobile learning. Students may create daily stories of their own like diaries while learning a foreign language. They can talk about the problem "Global Warming" by preparing short stories.
If you want to have more information about the app, yu can click on the links below.
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